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Local Dentist Debunks Common Myths About Root Canal Therapy

Is Root Canal Treatment Painful in Tucson AZ Area

When saving a severely infected tooth, there may be no more powerful tool a dentist can use than a root canal. Also referred to as endodontic therapy, root canals have garnered a reputation for being painful. They are associated with various myths that can cause anxiety and fear among patients. However, many of these beliefs are unfounded or outdated. Dr. Colby Echols and the team at Swan Dental in Tucson, Arizona, are here to tell you that most of what you hear about root canals is false.  Are root canal treatments painful? Let’s find out! Here are some common myths about root canals … Continue reading

The Truth About Endodontic Treatment: Painless, Fast, and Safe Way to Preserve Natural Teeth

Endodontic Treatment in Tucson AZ Area

Have you been told you need a root canal to save your tooth? There is no need to be anxious. Unlike popular misconceptions, root canals are relatively quick and straightforward. Instead of inflicting pain, this treatment relieves tooth pain, stops infection, and saves a tooth that would otherwise have been lost. At Swan Dental in Tucson, Arizona, we regularly perform root canals. This treatment is as familiar to us as installing a cavity filling. Endodontic therapy has a success rate of over 95%, and most of our patients leave our dental office with excellent results that last a lifetime. Signs … Continue reading

Is Root Canal the Right Treatment for You?

Root Canal Treatment Cost in Tucson AZ Area

If you’re shying away from having a root canal due to fear of pain or misconceptions about this treatment, you’re missing out! Root canals can help save natural teeth from extraction. Root canals are generally the last resort to extraction for repairing severely damaged or decayed teeth. Once these teeth are repaired, however, they can endure for years, saving you the time and expense of having them replaced unnecessarily. At Swan Dental, Tucson, Arizona, we can help you determine if a root canal is the right treatment for you. Uses of Root Canal Treatment Your Tucson, Arizona, dentist may recommend … Continue reading

Understanding Why A Root Canal Can Save Your Tooth from Extraction at Swan Dental in Tucson, AZ

Root Canal Dentist at Swan Dental in Tucson AZ Area

To many dental patients, a root canal seems terrifying. The truth is that getting a root canal is no more painful than many other routine dental procedures such as receiving a crown or a filling. A root canal is a perfectly safe and effective method for saving a tooth before it may need extraction. If you are looking for a dentist near you that performs root canal service, look no further than Dr. Colby Echols at Swan Dental in Tucson, AZ. At Swan Dental, you can rest easy knowing you are in perfectly capable hands. How a Root Canal Can … Continue reading

Common Reasons Why You May Need Endodontic Services from a Dentist in Tucson, AZ

Endodontic Services at Swan Dental Tucson AZ Area

When you are facing severe decay in a tooth that has progressed to the inner pulp and nerves, you are likely going to need endodontic services from Dr. Colby Echols at Swan Dental in Tucson, AZ. Dr. Echols has helped save multiple teeth through the root canal procedure. When a tooth nears the point of needing extraction, a root canal may be the best option for saving the tooth. There are more reasons than deep decay, which may result in you needing a root canal.  Let us take a look at some of these reasons. Deep Decay Tooth decay occurs … Continue reading

Managing root canal pain and when to seek therapy in Tucson, AZ

Root Canal Therapy in Tucson AZ area

Receiving root canal therapy is a significant dental procedure that should be handled with precision and care. Dr. Colby Echols and his team at Swan Dental have been serving patients in the Tucson, AZ area for over a decade. Through his work, Dr. Echols has become a valued member of the community and is a trusted dentist for anybody needing root canal therapy. Due to the invasiveness of root canal therapy, experiencing some degree of discomfort afterwards is completely normal. Root canal therapy involves a dentist drilling deep into the tooth to remove infected pulp and nerve tissue from the … Continue reading

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