Is Root Canal the Right Treatment for You?

Root Canal Treatment Cost in Tucson AZ Area

If you’re shying away from having a root canal due to fear of pain or misconceptions about this treatment, you’re missing out! Root canals can help save natural teeth from extraction. Root canals are generally the last resort to extraction for repairing severely damaged or decayed teeth. Once these teeth are repaired, however, they can endure for years, saving you the time and expense of having them replaced unnecessarily. At Swan Dental, Tucson, Arizona, we can help you determine if a root canal is the right treatment for you.

Uses of Root Canal Treatment

Your Tucson, Arizona, dentist may recommend root canal treatment to repair a fractured tooth after an accident or fall. If the pulp of your tooth is exposed due to breakage, a root canal is a viable option to save the tooth from extraction. After removing nerve roots, Dr. Colby Echols will place a crown on the tooth to protect it from further breakage. The crown will not only restore your tooth’s natural appearance but will also strengthen and stabilize your tooth so you can continue to use it safely.

Root canals can also be used to repair severely decayed teeth when the damage is too much for an ordinary filling. A painful toothache is a tell-tale symptom that a tooth needs cavity treatment. If the decay has reached the root of your tooth, Dr. Colby Echols may recommend root canal treatment. This treatment entails removing the infected pulp of your tooth and disinfecting the canals to prepare for your filling. The tooth is filled with gutta-percha material to protect it from infection. Finally, a crown is placed over the tooth to safeguard it against further damage and decay.

Major Benefits of Root Canal Treatment

If you’re wondering if a root canal is the right choice for you, consider the benefits of this tooth-saving dental procedure:

  • Repairs natural teeth so they don’t have to be extracted
  • Strengthens and protects teeth from further damage
  • Restores tooth function so you can use it safely, like any other tooth
  • It covers tooth damage to restore its attractive appearance (your smile will thank you!)
  • Eliminates the cost of replacing lost teeth with artificial teeth
Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients : (520) 595-3655 | Existing Patients : (520) 323-7645
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With proper care, root canal restoration can provide you with years of use, with no complications or side effects of your treatment. Root canals can restore the health, quality, and appearance of severely damaged teeth to spare you the time and expense of extraction and replacement with artificial teeth later down the line. If your damaged tooth can be saved, we strongly recommend doing so with root canal treatment.

Root Canal Treatment Cost

Another plus is that most dental insurance covers at least some portion of root canal treatment, putting this tooth-saving procedure within your financial reach. Our team will also work with you to finance costly dental treatments so you can get the services you need. To learn more about our root canal procedures, contact Dr. Colby Echols, Swan Dental, Tucson, AZ, at (520) 595-3655.

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