Smiling Couple


Stronger Teeth, Beautiful Smile, That’s the Power of Veneers

Natural Looking Veneers in Tucson AZ Area

At Swan Dental, we understand the frustration caused by minor tooth flaws. Chipped, misshapen, oddly sized, or discolored teeth can stand out, making your smile less appealing. That’s where natural-looking veneers can come in. Dr. Colby Echols can enhance your smile by attaching veneers to imperfect teeth, effectively concealing flaws. Here’s what you should know about veneers for teeth in Tucson, Arizona. What are dental veneers? Veneers are incredibly thin, specialized shells composed of composite resin or porcelain. They can be applied to the surface of teeth with flaws to hide them and enhance their appearance. Veneers can also improve … Continue reading

Dentist in Tucson, AZ Stressing the Link Between Healthy Teeth and Gums to Cardiovascular Disease

Connection of Teeth and Gums to Cardiovascular Disease in Tucson Area

For many of us, we can think of quite a few things we would like to do instead of going into the dentist. Going to the dentist does not have to be a hassle. Be it for corrective, preventative, or cosmetic dental work, Dr. Colby Echols would love to welcome you into Swan Dental. Dr. Echols has been providing friendly and quality dental care to patients in the Tucson, AZ area with compassion and a gentle touch. The team at Swan Dental offers a full range of services and would love to demonstrate to you what sets them apart. Caring … Continue reading

What is a Bone Graft?

Smiling young man

Bone grafting is the surgical procedure that improves areas of the smile deficient in natural bone and involves taking material from another source. The contributing materials can be taken from the patient’s chin or hip or can be outsourced synthetically. While each bone grafting material has unique beneficial properties, the primary function is to allow for the replacement of bone through a process called guided tissue regeneration. These methods widen the window of opportunity for those in need of dental implants by strengthening jaw health and improving approachability. Though the term may sound alarming, bone grafting is a common, simple, … Continue reading

10 Ways to Help Prevent Cavities and Promote Optimal Oral Health

Smiling woman with great teeth

Everyone knows that dental hygiene is crucially important for a number of reasons, yet most of us fail to take adequate care of our teeth and end up developing cavities at some point in our life. Usually, if we floss our teeth regularly, brush a couple of times each day, and get regular cleanings at the dentist’s office, we can manage to keep our gums and teeth relatively healthy. However, that is not always enough. Dietary factors such as the amount of sugar we consume can affect our risk for tooth decay. Raw fruits and even some vegetables, ironically, can … Continue reading

Effective Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Smiling woman

If your teeth aren’t as white as they used to be, or even as white as you would like them to be, there are numerous ways to whiten them. The dental whitening market can be a bit overwhelming and confusing, so here are some of your options to help you determine which could work for you and your budget.  DIY Whitening Toothpaste If you are a DIY fan, making your own toothpaste from baking soda and hydrogen peroxide can be highly effective and economical. Mix together one-part hydrogen peroxide and two parts baking soda for a bargain toothpaste that costs … Continue reading

Does Your Child Need Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early Orthodontic Treatment

Most orthodontic treatment starts in the teen years when all permanent teeth have come in, and the results are more predictable. However, some young children need early intervention or Phase One treatment. This evaluation doesn’t necessarily mean orthodontics are needed right away. However, monitoring growth patterns can indicate the best opportunity to start treatment to get the best results. The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that your child has an initial screening at the age of seven, with formal orthodontics beginning around age nine. What Causes Orthodontic Problems? Some cases may be a matter of genetics or inherited orthodontic issues … Continue reading

Sedation Dentistry for Anxiety-Free Dental Care

Inhalation Sedation at Clinic

Over 30% of the population avoids going to the dentist due to anxiety and fear. Dental phobia prevents you from receiving the routine treatment you need to maintain the health and functionality of your smile. Sedation dentistry can help you get the care you need by providing a relaxing experience with significantly less anxiety. Sedatives can include anti-anxiety medications, tranquilizers, nitrous oxide, and depressants, all administered in a variety of ways by an experienced professional for an effective solution to combat this common phobia. Popular Kinds of Sedation Dentistry In the past, IV or intravenous sedation was the predominant method … Continue reading

Natural Remedies to Fight Cavities


While visiting the dentist to have a cavity properly treated is effective, there are a few additional steps you can take to help slow the growth of cavities to prevent them from becoming deep or painful. A cavity that is left without proper treatment can get worse and eventually grow deeper into the tooth, reach the nerve and causing great pain and even more significant damage. These remedies can help to provide some relief and support your oral health. Oil of Oregano to Stop Decay Some people have achieved good results by using Oil of Oregano as a natural antiseptic … Continue reading

Does Pacifier Use Affect a Baby’s Dental Development?

Cute little boy

Pacifier use and thumb sucking are heavily ingrained in our culture, and in most cultures around the world throughout history. As a result, most of us don’t think much about it. However, a lot of people have recently started taking a closer look at this common practice and wondered just how healthy it actually is. Is that pacifier your baby loves so much setting them up for dental problems down the line? Find out everything you need to know about this innocent – or perhaps not-so-innocent – nurturing habit. Pacifiers and Thumb-sucking are Healthy, But Only to a Point All … Continue reading

Restoring Gum Health

Smiling woman with perfect teeth

Gum disease is a common problem that can occur very gradually. Aging, brushing too hard, genetics, and any lapse in hygiene habits can get the ball rolling in the wrong direction. It starts with oral bacteria that feed on particles of carbohydrate-rich foods left behind after a meal. The bacteria metabolize carbohydrates and produce plaque acids, which they deposit on the surface of teeth. The top layer of bacteria and the plaque responds to brushing, but the overlooked plaque can harden into tartar in just a few days. The tartar, along with the presence of bacteria, irritates the gums and … Continue reading

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5 Signs You Need Gum Disease Treatment
February 5

5 Signs You Need Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease shouldn’t be taken lightly, even if your symptoms are mild Early gum disease can easily progress...

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What Are the Steps to Success with Invisalign?
February 5

What Are the Steps to Success with Invisalign?

Orthodontic problems like crooked and misaligned teeth are quite common in society today Fortunately, there are permanent...

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