How To Maintain Optimal Dental Health Through Proven Results

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In today’s constantly moving world, it’s easy to underestimate simple habits like brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis. Heck, we’re all guilty of not wanting to brush our teeth after a late night out of fun, right?

Surely no one is perfect, but when dental health is pushed aside for too long, you can start to develop oral health problems quickly. The subtle signs of sticky plaque can quickly develop into gum disease – like gingivitis – if left unchecked.

Whether you’re getting back into the habit of brushing your teeth without fail or you’re just starting to, here are some great tips on how to make the transition a part of your daily health routine.

Choosing The Right Toothbrush

If you’ve ever shopped for a new toothbrush at your local grocer, you’ve probably found an overwhelming selection to choose from. Fear not, as we’re here to help choose the right one for you.

When on the hunt for a new toothbrush, consider a soft bristle toothbrush to start out with. These are a great way to start brushing your teeth on the regular because the bristles are much more flexible than there medium/firm counterparts; those with sensitive gums will appreciate the softer versions for brushing.

You might consider a toothbrush with an American Dental Association seal of approval as well. These versions of toothbrushes are certified by the ADA.

How To Use Your New Tools Properly

Now that you’re armed with some bonafide oral health tools, here are some tips on how to use them correctly:

Wait It Out – After eating food or drinking something acidic like coffee, tea or juice, it’s recommended that you wait at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth. This is because the enamel on your teeth has been softened temporarily from the acids in the food and/or drink.
Up and Down – Ideally, you’ll want to brush up and down in a circular motion and at a 45-degree angle from the gum-line up. We tend to think brushing harder and side-to-side is the ticket, but it can actually cause more problems than solutions. When you brush too hard, your toothbrush can quickly become an abrasive, working against your teeth rather than for them.
The Two-Minute RuleDon’t rush the process. Brush your teeth for at least two minutes at a minimum to ensure you’re cleaning all surfaces of your teeth, gums, and tongue.
Floss With Care – Flossing your teeth is key to preventing cavities. Preference as to flossing before or after brushing is totally up to you, as flossing the right way is more important than timing. It’s recommended that you floss between each tooth creating a ‘C’ shape in an up and down motion to remove any plaque or food that normal brushing can’t reach.

Contact Us With Your Questions

For more information on how to properly brush and floss your teeth, please reach out to one of our dental healthcare professionals at Swan Dental, located in Tucson, Arizona, for your convenience.

Dr. Colby Echols, DDS, near me

Dr. Colby Echols, DDS
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Dr. Colby Echols received his Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish from Brigham Young University and his Doctorate of Dental Surgery in 2005 from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. He is a member of the American Dental Association, Arizona Dental Association, and Southern Arizona Dental Association.

Dr. Echols has years of experience performing general dentistry procedures, including fillings, extractions, root canals, crowns, bridges, implants, and cosmetic dentistry. His patients trust him to help them achieve the smile they love while building life-long relationships.

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