Composite Tooth-Colored Fillings, Safe and Aesthetically Pleasing

Tooth Colored Fillings in Tucson AZ Area

We use composite tooth-colored fillings at Swan Dental, Tucson, Arizona, to treat cavities. Prompt cavity treatment can nip decay in the bud to prevent significant damage to your teeth. Dr. Colby Echols will remove the decay and seal your tooth with a composite filling to protect it from future infection. Composite fillings are safe and aesthetically pleasing, making them a popular choice for many patients. Here are some of the main advantages of choosing composite filling cavity treatment.

Advantages of Composite Fillings

Dentists basically rely on two types of fillings to treat decay: silver amalgam and composite fillings. Silver amalgam fillings are a mix of silver, mercury, and other metals. In contrast, composite fillings are composed of biocompatible resin mixed with glass – no metal or mercury added. 

Besides a safer composition, composite fillings have the following benefits: 

  • Tooth-colored appearance – Your filling matches the color of your teeth so that it doesn’t stand out when you smile. 
  • Less drilling – Composite fillings bond directly with your tooth surface, so less enamel has to be removed for your treatment. 
  • Shorter treatment time – After filling your tooth, Dr. Echols will cure the composite material with a UV light to harden it in place. This shortens your treatment time.
  • Versatility – In addition to treating decay, tooth-colored fillings can be used to repair minor chips, dents, or cracks in your teeth to enhance their appearance.
  • Reduced sensitivity – Composite fillings insulate your tooth to make it less sensitive to hot or cold foods and drinks
  • Reparable – If your tooth-colored filling chips or cracks due to bruxism or extensive chewing, they can be repaired to save you the expense of replacing them. 
Call Our Office for More Information
New Patients : (520) 595-3655 | Existing Patients : (520) 323-7645
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Are Composite Fillings Safe?

Biocompatible composite fillings are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they are also safe and effective in treating cavities. As these fillings are mercury and metal-free, there’s no risk of metal allergies or mercury poisoning.

Tooth-Colored Fillings Near Me in and around Tucson, Arizona

Troubled by cavities? Contact Dr. Colby Echols from Swan Dental in Tucson, AZ, at (520) 595-3655 for composite filling cavity treatment

Dr. Colby Echols, DDS, near me

Dr. Colby Echols, DDS
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Dr. Colby Echols received his Bachelor’s Degree in Spanish from Brigham Young University and his Doctorate of Dental Surgery in 2005 from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. He is a member of the American Dental Association, Arizona Dental Association, and Southern Arizona Dental Association.

Dr. Echols has years of experience performing general dentistry procedures, including fillings, extractions, root canals, crowns, bridges, implants, and cosmetic dentistry. His patients trust him to help them achieve the smile they love while building life-long relationships.

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